Price List of Product Bundle Before November 12, 2006
(complete pricing list)

Note: To reduce the complexity of our product bundle, we discontinued most of the old product bundles except #4280 and #4680. If you owned one of the discontinued product bundle, you can still purchase renewal for it as before through the online store. Or you can contact to align it to one of the still available product bundles.

Product Bundle
Item #
Discontinued Still Available
#2680 #4380 #4480 #4580 #2880 #2480 #4280 #4680
JIDE Docking Framework X X X   X X X X
JIDE Action Framework   X X X     X X
JIDE Components X X   X X X   X
JIDE Grids X   X X X     X
JIDE Dialogs       X X     X
JIDE Pivot Grid                
JIDE Shortcut Editor                
Single Developer License $559.99 $599.99 $559.99 $599.99 $599.99 $449.99 $449.99 $699.99
Annual Maintenance Renewal $279.99 $299.99 $279.99 $299.99 $299.99 $224.99 $224.99 $349.99
Multiple-Product Discount
(Already included in the price above)
30% 33% 30% 33% 33% 25% 25% 42%
Volume Discount 10% off if purchasing 5 to 9 copies
20% off if purchasing 10+ copies