Maintain selection state after a table refresh

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Maintain selection state after a table refresh

Postby kolotyluk » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:18 pm

Currently in the TreeTableModel if you use the refresh() method it updates the table while preserving the expanded/contracted status of each row. This is good.

However, after a refresh any rows that were selected are no longer selected. It would be nice if the model maintained the selection state of each row and the list of selected rows for the table after a refresh.
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Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Postby JIDE Support » Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:03 am

The reason we didn't maintain the selection is because the previous selected rows might not be there anymore or not at their previous index. So we can't remember row index as TableUtils's loadSelection method does. The only way is probably remember the underlying Row instances. I'll give it a try and see if we can do it.

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