by dsmain » Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:24 am
Thanks for the reply and sorry, I could have given some more details. My timezone is PST, but I want to use the DateComboBox to select GMT dates/times.
In code, I set the timezone as such: myDateComboBox.getDateModel().setTimeZone(GMT). I also use a GMT date formatter: myDateComboBox.setFormat(GMT_FORMAT);
Then, in the UI, do the following:
- select today's date in the calendar chooser
- set the time to 00:00:00 and click the calendar chooser days, you'll see that the black box highlights the day you've selected
- set the time to something > 08:00:00 (PST is GMT+8) and click the calendar chooser days, you'll see that the black box highlights the day following the one you've selected. This seems like a bug or perhaps I've misconfigured the DateComboBox.