Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:33 pm

Hi Pino,

Thanks for your suggestions. Here is my thought on it. We use a technology because we need it, not because other people use it. I will use maven or ivy too if our project has a lot of dependencies to maintain. But the truth is we own most of the code ourselves and only have very few external dependencies. For example, POI and lucene for the JIDE Grids and Pivot Grid, hibernate for the JIDE Data Grids, informa for the JIDE Feed Reader, common math for the JIDE Charts. Because of so few dependencies, I just don't see a need to bring in a new technology at the moment. The most important thing for us is to let our users use maven if they want to. That's why I think the script provided by Christian is very valuable, and imho more important that we use maven internally.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby gqman69 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:52 pm

Ok, this is my last post regarding this.

I am not suggesting that you use Maven. I don't care. You can use bash scripts for all I care.

What I do care about, as should you (?), is a good experience using your product.

My request is that you provide (using Ivy NOT Maven, i.e.: Ivy is part of Ant, Ivy is not Maven) a pom.xml for each jar so that we who uses Maven, Ivy, Graddle, etc... Do not have to parse a README.TXT for each release to spot changes.

It will make your product stronger.

That's it. If this doesn't get you there then nothing will.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:03 pm

Good to know because your previous post sounds like that we should use maven. Providing pom.xml for each jar is also our goal as well. Do you have all the pom xml already for the JIDE jars you are using? If so, would you mind sharing them here just like the one for the jide-grids? We haven't changed our external dependencies for quite a long time so your pom should be fairly stable. We will take them over and maintain them going forward. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby gqman69 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:48 pm

JIDE Support wrote:Good to know because your previous post sounds like that we should use maven. Providing pom.xml for each jar is also our goal as well. Do you have all the pom xml already for the JIDE jars you are using? If so, would you mind sharing them here just like the one for the jide-grids? We haven't changed our external dependencies for quite a long time so your pom should be fairly stable. We will take them over and maintain them going forward. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:49 am

Hi all,

I understand most people posted here are interested in some sort of maven integration and are interested in using jide with your existing maven build. In the 3.4.7 version we just released, we added a maven subfolder to the release package which includes the mavenify script created by Christan and the pom templates provided by Pino. We also changed it a little bit to make it more user friendly. By running the mavenify script, it will take all jide jars and poms, create a repo folder which has the same structure as a real maven repository. You can simply copy and paste the folder to your maven repository to start using jide. Please give it a try and let us know if it works for you. Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby calmeby » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:55 am

Great stuff! I'll try it when I upgrade next time. Had some problems with with our tables (grids) upgrading to 3.4.3, 3.4.4, and 3.4.5, so I stayed at 3.4.2. I should celebrate this announcement by trying to upgrade to 3.4.7. :D

Thanks, Christian
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby gqman69 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:11 pm

Well, jide-parent is missing...
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby gqman69 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:14 pm

Also, you might want to use com/jidesoft and not com/jide since the groupId is com.jidesoft.

Also, you might want to use groupId com.jidesoft.jide if jidesoft makes more than 1 software...
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:26 pm

Hi gqman69,

Thanks for your feedback.
1. jide-parent.pom is included in the We did not extract it into individual module directories now. Shall we do it or just extract one copy to a specific directory? Any suggestion will be appreciated since we are not using Maven internally.
2. attached is the modified mavenify.xml for 3.4.7 to change jide to jidesoft.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby gqman69 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:27 pm

You know what would be cool?

A javadoc artifact for each dependency.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:19 pm

Hi gqman69,

Could you please give more detail about your expectation on the javadoc? A sample would be great.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby mickael » Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:50 am

I was a user of only 2 jide jars (jide-common and jide-grids) until recently.
I was using these jars in my repository, generating pom.xml and folder tree manually when deploying new version of jide libraries.

We upgraded our licenses to use all jide jars and I search a way to do it automatically. I discovered in the last version (3.4.9) the solution discussed here.
I tried it and I've some advices or a least some points to discuss.

I provide a zip containing my folder tree and pom (I removed jars for confidentiality and to reduce the size of the zip file) after all my correction. You'll be able to compare your own pom files with mines.

1) Like gqman69 said, the jide-parent is missing from the folder tree generated by the script. The pom must be present like others artifact (jar/pom). A folder like ...\repo\com\jidesoft\jide-parent\3.4.9 must be created containing the file jide-parent.pom renamed in jide-parent-3.4.9.pom and with content "converted" (@JIDE_VERSION@ replaced by something like 3.4.9).

2) I found some problems with the poms provided. In fact, I'm using maven 2.2.1 and I tried with a simple maven project depending all the jide jars to check if poms were usable. Most of the time, It's the "version" tag of dependency that is missing. I'm using the central repository ( as reference for available version and name of groupId/artifactId:
The problems found are:
  • jide-charts.pom:
    • Missing version for dependency to servlet-api: I used version=2.4
    • Wrong groupId for dependency to commons-math: I used groupId=org.apache.commons
  • jide-data.pom: Wrong version for dependency to hibernate-core: I used version=4.0.0.Final (4.0.0 don't exists on central repository but 4.0.0.Final exists). May be verify the version. It's the version 3.6.6.Final used according to the Readme.txt provided by jide.
  • jide-designer.pom:
    • Version for dependency to Xerces not specified and I did'nt found the version used by jide (in readme, in xerces.jar, binary comparison with known xerces versions, etc). I used arbitrary the latest: version=2.4.0
    • Missing version for dependency to velocity-dep: I used version=1.4
  • jide-rss.pom:
    • Missing version for dependency to informa. Only the version 0.6.0 is available on central repository. The main problem is to defines the dependency of 0.7.0-alpha2. I'm not sure of the solution. Official website describe a list of dependency for the version 0.7.0-alpha2. The jide readme describe a lighter dependency of 0.7.0-alpha2. I tried to compare to the dependencies of 0.6.0 provided by the central repository but it quite different. In my case I generated an artifact 0.7.0-alpha2 with an associated pom as accurate as possible and deployed it on my repository. In my case, jide-rss depends on a private informa version 0.7.0-alpha2. not sure to be clear :oops:
    • Wrong groupId and missing version for dependency to jdom: groupId=jdom and version=1.0
    • Modify version for dependency to hsqldb: version= (found in hsqldb.jar manifest)

I hope to be useful and that correction will be made in the next release. Is it possible to provide a script for the debug version ?
I think the same existing script could be used by modifying the version by something like 3.4.9-debug.
Pom files after corrections
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:34 pm

Thanks for your detailed bug report. Will fix it in the next release. A mavenify script will provide in debug version as well.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby jasons » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:06 am

I have to say this but it's a real pain not having the full jide libraries in a central maven repo.

This whole playing around with silly scripts misses the point of maven and automated depend-management.

By making it available through a repo, you make it extremely easy for your corporate developer to start using your product. this should lead to more sales for you
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:24 am

We put the open source part of the JIDE into the central maven repo. For the commercial part of JIDE, we certainly don't want to put them in the central maven repo that we have no control. It is not option to use private maven repo as we don't have an authentication system in place (let me know if there is a solution). With the provided script, our goal is to make our customers' life as easy as it can be.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby mickael » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:30 am

I downloaded the latest version (3.5.0).
I'm quite satisfied of the update but some details are still annoying.

When I run the script mavenify:
  • In release zip: I saw you added a artifact for informa (version 0.7.0-alpha2). The problem is that the script mavenify fail because it seek the informa.jar at the wrong location. <copy file="./${MODULE_INFORMA}.jar" must be replaced by <copy file="${distribution.dir}/${MODULE_INFORMA}.jar"
  • In debug zip: The same script is trying to create the artifact for informa but the informa.jar is not present in the debug zip!
  • In debug zip: The version used is 3.5.0. To make is more usable for maven, in the mavenify script, I advise your to change the version to 3.5.0-debug instead of 3.5.0. Otherwise, when deploying debug version of jide jars, there is a conflict with the release version (same number version).
  • In debug zip: when I compare the result of mavenify script from release and debug, 3 jars are missing but their pom are present in the jide-beaninfo.jar, jide-designer.jar, jide-plaf-jdk7.jar. Is it a mistake ?

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:00 pm

Thanks for your detailed bug report. Will fix it in the next regular release.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby sgr » Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:07 am

Regarding the matter of making the artifacts available to your customers directly through a privately hosted maven repository,
I think that both Artifactory and Nexus provide the ability of doing so, if you setup the security properly.
I have not tried it personally, but from a quick view of the security features I think it is doable.
Agreed, that it will take some hassle to properly set it up, but it will definitely be a life saver for both JIDE and its customers.

I also think that if you contact those guys they will definitely help you implementing your desired security model (or at least let
you know whats doable and what not). Of course, there might be some cost involved...

You can check the following links for more details:
Artifactory-Managing Security
Nexus-Managing Security

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:48 pm

Thanks for the links. I took a look at them. I think the extra effort to maintain and extra cost (it is very high as we have thousands of users) will cut into the benefit. On the other hand, I also wonder how many of our customers are actually using maven to get all their dependencies, and most importantly, constantly upgrade to our every single release. Our release cycle is relatively frequent in the industry. Since we have a lot of components, our customers have to be very cautious when upgrading. They will do all the test all over again for every upgrade. Except a few companies/developers that I am aware of (those I pretty much know all their names:-) who upgraded to every release, my feeling is most customers only upgrade every several months and align with their release cycles (maybe only once a year). If one would only upgrade every several months, will putting JIDE on maven really benefit them that much? I really doubt. I do understand the convenience maven can bring to all users, again, it is a balance that we have to weight.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby mickael » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:26 am

Thanks for the futur corrections.

A little feedback about upgrade of jide library.
Until now my team upgraded the jide library like you said every several months. But we invested recently in new licenses. The usage of this library will highly increase and the number of users and team will increase too. In the futur, I think we will use nearly each version of jide soft library. So I'm for the solution of user sgr if it's possible.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby sgr » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:14 am


Excuse my late response but I was on leave.

Well, we are also upgrading quite recently (once every 1-2 months) and as mickael already noted we are also expanding the usage of the JIDE libs(we have the ultimate suite) to even more products hence we will need a better/more efficient way for updating and testing our code when trying out new JIDE releases.

I am not sure how many of your customers use Maven and if it is actually worth the effort, that is something that you need to decide and maybe make a poll in order to gather some feedback from your customers.

Having said that, I also believe that having a maven repository will bring the following two benefits:
1) There are other tools/libraries that can also resolve maven dependencies (e.g. Apache Ivy, Buildr, Grails etc.). As an example take a look at the following comons-io dep information from the Maven Central Search Engine on how dependency information is declared for use by other tools. Hence you could benefit even more of your customers, not just Maven users.
2) Secondly and most importantly, if I am not mistaken you are already uploading all of your new releases on a file server or something and managing user rights through some software or some servlet or something, etc. If instead, you had a Maven repository, you could still serve all of your files, securely using one software package that is created exactly for that purpose. You can also leave the Web download functionality but simply redirect it to the maven repository, through some custom servlet or something. You can also attach the source stubs to the artifacts by using classifiers and also serve almost any file by simply changing the classifier and type properties of the dependency, etc. So you could also still serve your mega-bundle through the repo as a zip file(e.g. so that it is available for download from the web) by simply selecting some appropriate groupId, artifactId, classifier, etc. You can also embed deployment to your repo in your Ant scripts by simply using Ants' exec command and fully automate your deployment cycle, etc.

So my opinion is that it would also greatly benefit you as a company.

Please also note that we do not only have to update and test against the JIDE libraries but we have dozens of other dependencies as well we need to take care of, as most of your users probably do.
We have switched to Maven about two years ago and we have never looked back. We of course continue to use Ant and other tools where needed. We actually use Ant scripts for mavenifying libraries or simply deploying them to the maven repo, etc.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:14 pm

Thanks for the posts. We just setup a maven repository. Since it is the first time we are doing it, we are not sure if it works in your environment. So if you could do us a favor to test it, it would be great. The samnple setting file is below. The username and password are the same as your login to download the formal jide releases. In the other word, username is your email address, password is your email authorization code. I only hand added sgr and michael to have the access for now. If you would also like to have access to test it, please email to ask for it. We only deployed 3.4.9 and 3.5.0 releases on the repository for testing.

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby sgr » Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:05 am


That is some great news! Thanks for taking the time and putting the extra effort for this.

So, I have already tested but I am not able to connect. I always get an error:
Code: Select all
Connection refused: connect

I have used the credentials that I use for downloading the official jide releases as you have already mentioned and I am
pretty sure I have set up everything correctly.

Please let me know if you need any extra information.
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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:12 am

Hi sgr,

We found the server was stopped unexpectedly. Will keep you posted when we figure it out and restart it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Re: Maven Repository for Jide Jars.

Postby JIDE Support » Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:45 am

Just so you know, our Maven repository server is active now.

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