Synchronously horizontal scrolling in "Diff" component!

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Synchronously horizontal scrolling in "Diff" component!

Postby f_costabile » Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:21 am

The "Diff" component scrolls synchronously on both code editors when scrolling vertically on one of them.
It would be nice if the same feature can be enabled also horizontally.
Actually it is difficult to use this "Diff" component because we have to scroll manually both the horizontal scroll bars to find the differences.
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Re: Synchronously horizontal scrolling in "Diff" component!

Postby JIDE Support » Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:54 am

Good point. We missed it. We did it in TableDiffPane but not in the CodeEditorDiffPane. We will fix it for the next release.
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Re: Synchronously horizontal scrolling in "Diff" component!

Postby JIDE Support » Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:37 pm

Just so you know, this bug is fixed in the latest 3.6.11 release.
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